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The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.   Thessalonians 2:9-10 

Sightings. Encounters. Visitations. Abductions. 

The enigmatic world of UFOs and the supernatural often feels like a realm beyond understanding. It's a subject that has intrigued and puzzled humanity for decades, with sightings, encounters, and even abductions stirring up curiosity and controversy.

You might find yourself thinking, "Another voice on this topic? Haven't we heard enough?" But consider this: how does this phenomena fit into our often-dismissed, and in some cases, outright denial of biblical history?

When we consider how the supernatural, spiritual world has direct ties to this phenomenon, we’d be remiss if we didn’t unpack it a little.


So, what’s really happening?

What are they and where are the coming from?

What does the Bible and other extra biblical texts have to say about this topic, if anything?

Are abductions really happening?

Where is the Christian community on all of this?


This page isn’t an exhaustive study by any means, but aims to provide a very basic introduction and brief overview.  Check out our RESOURCES page if you are interested in exploring the spiritual angle of this topic.


Throughout history, the skies have held mysteries beyond our comprehension. But alongside our physical world exists a spiritual realm, often overlooked by many, including those who claim belief in the Bible. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, it’s there and things are happening within it constantly. Often, if we can’t wrap our head around it, we dismiss it. 

However, the Bible itself is replete with supernatural beings and events, from angels and demons, to giants and divine creations. It speaks of a cosmic conflict that extends beyond our understanding. And, with technology, we’re witnessing things that we didn’t have the capability to just a few years ago.  


Recent years have seen a surge in interest, thanks to credible evidence presented by military personnel and discussions in government circles. It's now being analyzed and debated in congressional hearings and we're learning about recovered craft and technology, as well as biologics (non-humanoid beings, aka 'aliens'), and questions about national security have been raised. Media outlets like CNN and Fox News now cover these stories and they’re highlighted regularly on shows like ‘Ancient Aliens’, bringing them into the mainstream.

Perhaps you've seen the infamous 'Tic-Tac' UFO footage or heard about the Pope's statement on baptizing aliens. There's a significant shift in societal attitudes towards this topic, whether religious, political, social, or cultural.


"........For what men can do with real colors and substances, the demons can very easily do by showing unreal forms to breeding animals." Theologian St. Augustine The City of God, Book 18, Chapter 5.

Interdimensional beings? Aliens from other plants? Demonic entities? Advanced military aircraft and technology?  


The terminology surrounding these phenomena has evolved over the years, reflecting our changing understanding and societal norms. UFOs, once termed "flying saucers" or “discs” are now referred to as Unidentified Aerial or Anomolous Phenomena (UAPs), Unidentified Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and Unidentified Submerged or Submersible objects (USOs).


UAPs and UAVs are all acronyms for the same thing - flying objects that can’t be identified, whether in the skies, over land or water. USOs are specific to objects seen going down into or coming up out of the water.


Some believe we’re being visited by beings from other planets. Others believe that what’s being witnessed is demonic in nature with entities going back and forth between the seen and unseen spiritual realms.  And, some argue that our Bible references multiple dimensions, so could this be a viable theory as well?

Check out what Dr. Chuck Missler has to say about a 'Ten Dimensional Universe' in the video below:

The Bible doesn’t tell us whether there is life on other plants. But, it doesn’t say that there isn’t either. 


Some believe a mix of all of these theories may be true.  


There have been sightings all over the world.…..The Hudson Valley in New York, Stonehenge in England, Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, Fuxion Lake in China, Dulce, New Mexico, over various mountain ranges throughout the world such as Mount Kailash (Shambhala) in Tibet, Mount Hayes in Alaska, Mount Shasta in California, throughout Peru and Bolivia, over various archaeological sites around the world, and, of course, the infamous Roswell, New Mexico.


​These are just a few examples, and, I really mean a few, because there’s a plethora out there! And, there is a variety of thought and opinion on where they might be coming from.


Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, in their book, Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO Phenomenon,

describe UFOs as the manipulation of matter and energy, originating from the spirit world, producing powerful physical manifestation at a material level.  They are able to break in to separate objects and then back into one, have the ability to completely vanish, indicating something interdimensional, and have the ability to maneuver in ways that defy logic.

When comparing some of the characteristics and abilities of aliens and angels, there are some interesting similarities - they both have the ability to manifest physically in some kind of humanoid form, they are able to perform outside of natural law, they can materialize and dematerialize, manipulate matter, and change their physical form (Luke 2:9, 13, 15).  And, according to scripture, fallen angels can assume an attractive and pleasing form. Angels and aliens seem to have the ability to control human events (1 Chronicles 21:1, Daniel 10:13 and 1 Thessalonians 2:18), can control and manipulate us, and defy the laws of physics (nature of their flight, passing through walls, etc.).  Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman go into great detail about this in chapter 12 of Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO Phenomenon.


For more scripture on the similarities and attributes, check out Genesis 19:1-11, Luke 1:26, John 20:12, and Acts 12:19.


This is something that many have a hard time grasping.  However, God doesn't operate within the space and time that we know, and neither does the unseen world that He created.


​We can't try and fit what's happening into a neat, tidy box within our own space and time. What's happening is out of the time and space we exist in.  God can manipulate time and space and there are examples of this throughout scripture.  2 Kings 20: 9-11 is one example.  In this instance, God manipulates time:

9 And Isaiah said, “This shall be the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do the thing that he has promised: shall the shadow go forward ten steps, or go back ten steps?” 10 And Hezekiah answered, “It is an easy thing for the shadow to lengthen ten steps. Rather let the shadow go back ten steps.” 11 And Isaiah the prophet called to the Lord, and he brought the shadow back ten steps, by which it had gone down on the steps of Ahaz.


The Bible, the seen, and unseen worlds, are filled with the supernatural.  The Bible itself is a supernatural book. For those who aren’t aware of this or don’t believe it, what they’re witnessing and experiencing is being interpreted as a UFO or alien encounter, which makes sense.

There are a number of things referenced in the Bible that some would define as a UFO or experiences with extraterrestrial craft, technology, or some kind of being or entity:

Ezekiel’s wheels 

Elijah’s chariot of fire (2 Kings 2

God opening the eyes of Elisha’s servant to reveal the unseen world around him (2 Kings 6:15-17)

The ‘pillar’ of fire & clouds witnessed by the Jews who left Egypt (Exodus 13:21-22; Exodus 14:19,24)

Dr. John Ankerberg states it well in his booklet, ‘The Facts on UFO's and other Supernatural Phenomena’, “we are dealing with the actions of an infinite, unlimited being producing miraculous phenomena, not a limited physical craft producing supertechnological phenomena.”

Ezekiel’s wheels, Elijah’s chariot, the pillar of fire, and any other ‘technology’ we see in scripture……all of these supernatural objects and experiences are creations and miracles from God himself!

The Bible, as well as other texts, such as the Book of Enoch, reference angels taking on various forms to interact with humans, encounters with giant beings, and other supernatural experiences that some interpret as alien or UFO phenomena.


Consider the idea of abductions and encounters through a spiritual lens. Could they be manifestations of beings mentioned in the Bible or other ancient texts?

Abduction experiences, often dismissed, bear similarities to encounters described in ancient texts. Could there be a connection between these modern experiences and biblical narratives?

Not all who have experienced encounters with unknown entities or being taken in some way are delusional.  In fact, most aren't.  Something is actually happening.


Chuck Missler makes reference to modern 'alien' entities choosing their sexual cohorts against their will, just like the 'sons of God' did in Genesis 6:4.


The stories of Greek mythology mirror what happened in Genesis - gods choosing human women to take as wives and producing half god, half human children.

'.....that the sons of God saw the daughters of men,

that they were beautiful; and they took wives for

themselves of all whom they chose.

Genesis 6:2

Scripture references like Genesis 6:2 above tell us that supernatural beings ‘took’ women, had sex with them, and created hybrid beings.  This is evidence of ‘extraterrestrial involvement’ with interdimensional entities.  It’s also evidence of humans being ‘taken’, just as some are being taken in some way today.

Reminder: the 'sons of God' referenced in Genesis 6:2 refers to divinely, created beings - in this case, fallen angels.  Human beings aren't referred to as 'sons of God' in scripture.  Jesus is God's son, but he was divinely created.


​The giant hybrids that were produced when the 'sons of God' mated with human women, the half god, half human offspring that are referenced as the Nephilim in scripture, are widely interpreted in ufology research as extraterrestrial. When we look at this in context, why is abduction such a crazy idea?


Throughout scripture, when people have seen or been visited by angels or demons, have we labeled them as delusional? No. So, why would we think this of those who come forward to discuss their own encounters and experiences?


Genesis 3:15 makes an interesting reference that we usually gloss over when reading:


And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.


​Some Bible translations use the word 'offspring' in place of 'seed'.  Either way, this scripture references Satan's seed being mingled with the seed of a woman. 

Daniel 2:43 also references this:

​As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay,

they will mingle with the seed of men;

but they will not adhere to one another,

just as iron does not mix with clay.


Think about that - who is being referenced in this verse and why don't they adhere to one another?  This is another reference to fallen beings getting involved with humanity in ways that weren’t meant to, which is why they don’t adhere to another.


What has happened in scripture continues to happen - there is nothing new under the sun.  Intermingling of entities with humans to produce supernatural, hybrid offspring.  For what purpose?  Some believe Satan is building an army for what is to come, which is a whole other area of discussion we won’t get into here.  However, we've included some RESOURCES for you to research this further.

In the video below, L.A. Marzulli interviews Karin Wilkinson about her own personal experience, which is also discussed in her book, Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest:

Check out L.A. Marzulli's 'UFO Disclosure Part 6: Cattle Mutilations'which does a deep dive into the how and why of these occurrences over the years, including the breeding program theory.


What’s interesting is lack of interest and outright dismissal from those who claim they believe in the God of the Bible.  They dismiss the supernatural, spiritual world as being anything other than the trinity, some angels, the virgin birth, and miracles performed by Jesus (and some don't even believe in those). 


However, the entire Bible is full of the supernatural and there is a very active spiritual world – things are going on all around us every minute of every day and they impact us.  


At its core, the UFO phenomenon is a spiritual battleground, where deception and confusion reign. Anything to distract us and divert from the God of the Bible and salvation through Jesus Christ. 


And, while mainstream ufologists research, analyze, investigate, and shed light on anything new they uncover, the majority of the Christian community overlooks or ridicules.  Those who do speak up are few and they are often scoffed at, slandered, and disparaged by those who claim to be well-meaning Christians. 


In many cases, those who have 'grown up' in a church environment of some kind, or those just beginning to explore God, the scriptures and our biblical history, have been done a huge disservice by those we look to in the Christian community for education, insight, and direction.


It's frustrating that so many compartmentalize and only want to discuss and research what is more mainstream and acceptable by the masses.  There is so much more God wants us to learn and understand! Understanding these mysteries can lead to a deeper comprehension of our spiritual reality. By examining scripture and other texts, we can gain insight into the spiritual forces at play.


For those who all of this is new to, it's a lot to absorb and may sound downright crazy.

The Bible and our current, existing world includes angelic hosts, demons, other gods, hybrid beings, and other divine creations of God.  Psalms 82 tells us of God’s divine council, which includes other beings, other gods, He created.  Having free will, just as we do, some of these beings turned their back on God at multiple times throughout history, as outlined in the old and new testaments. 


There are warring factions within that world - those on the side of God and those who have turned their back on the God who created them. Those beings who have turned against their creator are doing everything they can to deceive the 'seen' world.  Dr. Michael Heiser's book, 'The Unseen Realm' gives great insight into this.  A must read!

The idea that the 'sons of God' were angels or other fallen beings was maintained by ancient Jewish culture at and before the time of Christ. This was also acknowledged and considered 'mainstream' by the Christian church until the fourth century.


So, it shouldn’t be surprising to see strange things in the skies, things hovering over water, people encountering ‘aliens’ in their homes or having abduction experiences.


When we start to peel back scripture and cross reference it with other texts and translations (the Septuagint, The Book of Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.), all of the pieces start to move into place for a better understanding of our biblical history, how we got to this point, and what it means for us going forward.


​​​We encourage you to explore this topic further, with an open mind and a discerning spirit. There's much to learn beyond the surface and we believe God invites us into a deeper understanding of His ways.


There are some extraordinary people who have devoted extensive time and research into this topic from the spiritual angle.

There are many experts in the field of ufology, however, L.A. Marzulli is one of the leading Christian experts coming at this from a spiritual and biblical perspective.  He has devoted his career to extensive research on this topic, as well as topics of the Nephilim (giants), in an effort to expose what many others in Christian circles won't.  He has produced more content on this topic than anyone who is focused on it from a spiritual and biblical perspective.


He discloses the deception of the UFO phenomenon through a library of resources.  Below are just a few.  Click on the graphics to learn more.


You can also visit L.A.'s STORE to see all other books, DVD's and streaming content

Check out the Roswell Revisited site

UFO Disclosure - LA.webp


Richard Dolan has devoted his career to researching the UFO phenomena. He's known worldwide as one the leading UFO Historians of our time, and has written a number of fascinating books, 'UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973' and 'A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about Alien Contact', and, most recently, 'UFOs for the 21st Century Mind', just to name a few.  He hosts a weekly show and podcast and has been seen on a number of television programs and documentaries over the years, including Ancient Aliens, Hanger One: The UFO Files, and others.  We're big fans of Richard!  You can find out more about Richard and his work on the RESOURCES page.

Chuck Missler who is, unfortunately, no longer with us, is another pioneer on this topic, coming at it from a scriptural and biblical perspective.  Below is a great book providing in-depth insight into the UFO / Alien phenomena, as well as a 30-minute video you might find interesting.

You can also research this topic on the Koinonia House site, where all of Chuck's work is stored.



Check out the UFOs, UAPs, USOs, UAVs section of our Resources, Research & References page for more books, documentaries, DVD’s, articles, biblical and extra-biblical information on this topic

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