Those below are experts in their field. Please visit their site and social media to learn more.
Permission granted by authors & subject matter experts for the use of their name and resources
Author | Researcher | Explorer | Filmmaker | Ufologist
Author of
BIRTHRIGHT: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam's Dominion on Planet Earth
The Book of Enoch: With Commentary & Concept Art on the Book of the Watchers (Complete Edition, includes 1,2, & 3 Enoch)
Fields of study & research:
The megalith builders, the Nephilim & giants, Pre-Adamic civilizations, UFO phenomenon & Aliens, Artificial intelligence, Transhumanism, Bible prophecy
Check out and join The Alberino Analysis Members Community
Author | Researcher
Author of
Exposing the Dark Weapon of Sleep Paralysis
Fields of study & research:
Sleep paralysis, Spiritual warfare, Angels, Demons, Spirit guides, Shadow people,
Check out
Messianic Jewish Pastor
Author | Novelist | Founder, Hope of the World Ministries
Author of
Fields of study & research:
Biblical prophecy, the End Times & Current Events, Ancient gods, the Nephilim & giants
Some of his other work includes:
Check out some of his DVD's here
Author | Speaker | Pastor
Founder, Get A Life Ministries
Author of
UFO's Aliens & The Coming Mass Abduction
The Satanic War on The Christian
Hybrids, Super Soldiers & The Coming Genetic Apocalypse
...and much more
Fields of study & research:
Bible Prophecy, Apologetics, the UFO phenomena, Aliens & Hybrids, the Nephilim,
Spiritual Warfare, Biblical Prophecy & the end times, the Occult
You can find information on these topics and much more at Get a life Ministries
Author | Professor
VP, George Fox Digital
Author of
Conquest and Cataclysm in the Heroic Ages of Ancient Israel
Ancient Tales of Giants from Qumran and Turfan
...and much more
Fields of study & research:
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament & language
Archaeology of the ancient Near East
Comparative religion in the ancient world
Iconography & art history of the ancient Near East, the Nephilim
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Authors | Analysts | SkyWatchTV Hosts
Authors of
...and much more
Fields of study & research:
Bible prophecy, Ancient gods, Mythology
Ancient religion & culture, The Nephilim,
Politics & Religion
You can find information on these topics and much Gilbert House Ministries
Speaker | Author | Pastor
Author of
Corrupting the Image: Angels, Aliens and the Antichrist Revealed
Corrupting the Image II: Hybrids, Hades and the Mt Hermon Connection
Corrupting the Image III: Singularity, Superhumans & the Second Coming of Jesus
...and much more
Fields of study & research:
Ancient Israel, Angels & Demons, Aliens & UFOs, Gap Theory, The Nephilim, Prophecy, Spiritual Warfare, Transhumanism
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Author | Lecturer
CEO, BibleFacts Ministries
Author of
The Ancient Mysteries of the Essenes
Ancient Prophecies from the Dead Sea Scrolls
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
Enoch, Fallen Angels, Dead Sea Scrolls,
Ancient translations, End times prophecy, Ancient church fathers
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Biblical Archaeologist
Author | Film Producer
Author of
In Search of Dead Sea Scrolls: Cave 12 Expedition Journal
Alien Agenda: The Return of the Nephilim
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
Forbidden Archaeology & History, The Dead Sea Scrolls, Elongated Skulls, Noah's Ark, The Nephilim
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Founded by Dr. Chuck & Nancy Missler
Dr. Chuck & Nancy Missler, Ron Matsen, Dr. Mark Eastman, Bob Cornuke, Dr. William Welty
Koinonia House is the publishing ministry of Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen.
Angels series - Dr. Chuck Missler
Return of the Nephilim - Dr. Chuck Missler
Alien Encounters - Dr. Chuck Missler & Dr. Mark Eastman
...and much, much more!
Fields of study & research:
Ancient texts, Biblical Prophecy, UFO phenomena & Aliens, the Nephilim, Spiritual Warfare, Transhumanism & AI, Gap Theory, Cosmology, Astronomy, Physics, Angels & Demons
You can find information on these topics & much more at Koinonia House
Free monthly PersonalUPDATE magazine
Find free content on the KoinoniaHouse store
Author | Founder, Biblical Life College & Seminary
Author of
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
Prophecy, Apologetics, Biblical interpretation
Eschatology, Spiritual warfare, the occult
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Pastor | Bible Teacher | Writer
Author of
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
Biblical Prophecy, Dispensationalism, Angels
Demons, the afterlife
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Bible Scholar | Filmmaker
CEO, Lipkin Tours
Producer of
Israel Archaeology: Heartland of Israel
Fields of study & research:
Biblical Archaeology Education & Research: Israel, Judea and Samaria
You can find more information at
Author | CEO, Fifth Estate Publishing
Author of
The Book of Giants: The Watchers, Nephilim, and The Book of Enoch
Lost Books of the Bible: The Great Rejected Texts
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
Theology & Religion, Church History, Books of Enoch & Jubilees, Angels, The Nephilim
The Watchers
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Author | Filmmaker | Lecturer
Author & Producer of
On the Trail of the Nephilim Series
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
The Nephilim, The Watchers, UFOs & Aliens, Alien Abduction, Crop Circles, Cattle Mutilations, Fatima, Fallen Angels & Demons
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Check out L.A.'s monthly eMagazine, Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural
Founder, Daily Renegade
Filmmaker | Author
Author of
Forgotten Prophecies of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Volume 1 & 2
...and much more
Fields of study & research:
Biblical Prophecy, UFOs & Aliens, Transhumanism & Artificial Intelligence, Extradimensional Hypothesis, Quantum Physics
You can find more information at
Gary Stearman, Bob Ulrich, Mondo Gonzales, Daniel M. Wright, Josh Peck
Prophecy Watchers highlights experts & resources from all over the world with a weekly TV program, email newsletter, online bookstore & more
Authors of
How the Ancient Prophets Shattered the Time Barrier (Gary Stearman)
Kings Without a Kingdom (Mondo Gonzales)
(Daniel M. Wright)
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
Bible prophecy, Transhumanism & Artificial Intelligence, Biblical archaeology, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nephilim, Angels & Demons, UFO phenomena & Aliens, Satanism & the occult
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Researcher | Documentary Filmmaker
Founder, Think Again Productions
Author / Producer of
Fields of study & research:
UFOs & Aliens, The Nephilim, Angels & Gods, Alien Abduction, Biblical Prophecy
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Writer | Director | Researcher
Author / Producer of
Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last
Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim
Genesis and the Synchronized, Biblically Endorsed, Extra-Biblical Texts
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
The Nephilim, UFOs & Aliens, Extra Biblical Texts, Science Fiction, Nimrod & the Tower of Babel, Biblical cosmology, Biblical Prophecy & the End Times
You can find information on these topics and much more at,
Founded by
Dr. Thomas R. Horn
Joe Ardis Horn, Katherine Horn, Derek & Sharon Gilbert, Donna Howell, Nita Horn
Investigations into prophecy, discovery & the supernatural through a variety of weekly TV programs, an e-magazine, online bookstore & more
Authors / Producers of
Before Genesis: The Unauthorized History of Tohu, Bohu, and the Chaos Dragon in the Land Before Time
Destination: Earth: Ancient Aliens, the Ancient of Days, and the Ancient Plot to Hybridize Humanity
Encounters: Extraordinary Accounts of Angelic Intervention and what the Bible Actually Says about God's Messengers
...and so much more!
Fields of study & research:
Investigations into Prophecy, Discovery and the Supernatural including the Nephilim, Angels, Demons, UFOs, Aliens, Politics, Biblical Prophecy, End times, Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, Extra Biblical Texts, Pre-flood history
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Author | Pastor | Podcaster
Author of
Conspiracy Theory: A Christian Evaluation of a Taboo Subject
The Unseen Realm Q&A Companion
...and much more!
Fields of study & research:
The Supernatural, Theology, Extra Biblical Texts, the Nephilim, UFOs & Aliens, Angels & Demons, Archaeology
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Author | Pastor | Podcaster
Author of
How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Mankind
The Genesis 6 Conspiracy Part II:
How Understanding Prehistory and Giants Helps Define End-Time Prophecy
Fields of study & research:
Biblical prophecy, History & Mythology, Holy Bible & Gnostic scriptures, the Nephilim, the gods, Nimrod & The Tower of Babel, Secret Societies, Ancient Civilizations
You can find information on these topics and much more at
Author | Writer | Researcher
Author of
A True Account of Lifelong Alien Abduction and the Evil Alien Agenda
Fields of study & research:
UFOs & Aliens
Alien Abduction
Alien Agenda
Spiritual Warfare
You can find more information at
We're engaging with new subject matter experts routinely, so be sure to ......
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In addition to the books, DVDs and other research offered by those noted above, check out these....
NOTE: If a resource covers multiple areas of research, you'll see the same author repeated in the corresponding section

Timothy Alberino
Book: Birthright: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam's Dominion on Planet Earth
Book: in collaboration with Blurry Creatures podcast (Nathan Henry and Luke Rodgers): The Book of Enoch: With Commentary & Concept Art on the Book of the Watchers (Complete Edition, includes 1, 2, & 3 Enoch)
Biblical Archaeology Society Library
Article: Satan - Who Satan is - Lucifer, Beelzebul, Fallen Star
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Old Testament - Page 63 - 1st column - Note - 'Proofs the sons of God were angels'
New Testament - Page 272 - 1st column - Note 'B' - Angels sinned by fornication
James Martin Gray
Book: Spiritism and the Fallen Angels in the Light of the Old and New Testaments
Dr. Douglas Hamp
Article: Q&A - How do Angels Reproduce?
Article: Satan's Origin and Fall
Article: Satan's DNA and the Antichrist
Article: Appendix I: Fallen Angels and Demons - Corrupting the Image II
Article: Satan's Mysterious Identity as Enlil - Ch 1A, Corrupting the Image II
Audio book: Corrupting the Image: Angels, Aliens & the Antichrist Revealed
Audio & eBook: Corrupting the Image 2: Hybrids, Hades, and the Mt Hermon Connection
Audio & eBook: Corrupting the Image Vol. 3, Singularity, Superhumans and the Second Coming of Jesus
Dr. Ken Johnson
Book: Ancient Paganism: The Sorcery of the Fallen Angels
Clarence Larkin
Blue Letter Bible Study Resource: Dispensational Truth: Chapter 18 - Satan
Book: The Spirit World
L.A. Marzulli
DVD: Watchers The Ultimate 11-DVD collection
Ali Siadatan
DVD: UFOs Angels & Gods: Alien Abductions Explained - documentary
Gary Wayne
Book: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy

Timothy Alberino
Book: Birthright: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam's Dominion on Planet Earth
Book: in collaboration with Blurry Creatures podcast (Nathan Henry and Luke Rodgers): The Book of Enoch: With Commentary & Concept Art on the Book of the Watchers (Complete Edition, includes 1, 2, & 3 Enoch)
Barry Chamish
Book: Return of the Giants
Billy Crone
Book: GetAlifeMedia: In The Days of Noah
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Old Testament - page 62 - columns 1-3 - 'Giants and Sons of God'
Old Testament - page 63 - columns 1-4 - 'Proofs the sons of God were angels', 'The purpose of Satan in producing giants'
Dr. Brian R. Doak
Book: The Last of the Rephaim: Conquest and Cataclysm in the Heroic Ages of Ancient Israel
Sharon & Derek Gilbert
Book (via SkyWatch store): Giants, Gods and Dragons: Exposing the Fallen Realm and the Plot to ignite the Final War of the Ages
Dr. Douglas Hamp
Article: Corrupting the Image, Part Five: The Coming of the Watchers in the Days of Noah
Article: Part Eight: Who Were the Nephilim?
Article: Nephilim: Common Objections Answered
Audio book: Corrupting the Image: Angels, Aliens & the Antichrist Revealed
Audio & eBook: Corrupting the Image 2: Hybrids, Hades, and the Mt Hermon Connection
Audio & eBook: Corrupting the Image Vol. 3, Singularity, Superhumans and the Second Coming of
Dr. Ken Johnson
Book: Ancient Prophecies from the Dead Sea Scrolls
Joseph Lumpkin
Book: The Book of Giants: The Watchers, Nephilim, and The Book of Enoch
L.A. Marzulli
DVD & streaming: On the Trail of the Nephilim (Complete Series 1-8)
DVD: The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain
DVD: Watchers The Ultimate 11-DVD collection
Book: Countermove: How The Nephilim Returned After the Flood
Book Series: The Nephilim Trilogy
The Septuagint (Greek version of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament)
Genesis 10:8-9 - references Nimrod as a giant
Isaiah 13:3 - references a vision Isaiah had that included giants
Ali Siadatan
DVD documentary: UFOs Angels & Gods: Alien Abductions Explained
Rob Skiba
Study ( Return of the Nephilim I
Study ( Return of the Nephilim II
Book: Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim
Joe Taylor
eBook: Giants Against Evolution
Doug Van Dorn
Book: Giants: Sons of the gods
Companion to Dr. Michael Heiser's Unseen Realm book: The Unseen Realm Q&A Companion
Gary Wayne
Book: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy
Book: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy Part II
Zondervan Archaeological Study Bible
Old Testament - Page 213 - 'Who Were the Nephilim?'

James Cooper
Site: What the Bible says about Angels:
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Old Testament - Page 632 - Columns 2, 3 & 4 - 'The Spirit World', 'Common Angels', 'The Work of Angels', 'Angels are called'
New Testament - Page 255 - Column 4 - Note 'N' - '104 appearances of angels to men'
Doug Van Dorn
Book: The Angel of the Lord: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Study
SkyWatchTV - Allie Anderson & Donna Howell
Book: Encounters: Extraordinary Accounts of Angelic Intervention and what the Bible Actually Says about God's Messengers
Zondervan Archaeological Study Bible
Old Testament - Page 1529 - 'Angels and Guardian Spirits in the Bible and the Ancient Near East'

Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Genesis 11:1 & 4 - Page 9 - 4th column - Note 'G' and 'M'
Gary Wayne
Book: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy - Chapter 29: The Tower at Babel
Book: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy
Book: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy Part II
Zondervan Archaeological Study Bible
Old Testament - Genesis - Page 20 - See note at bottom associated with chapter 11:4

Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Peleg - Genesis 10:25 - Page 9 - 4th column - Note 'A' and 'D'
Peleg - Genesis 11:16 - Page 10 - 1st column - Note 'L'
Peleg - 1 Chronicles 1:19 - Page 421 - 1st column - Note 'J'
Theory of Crustal Displacement & Overview of Charles H. Hapgood

Timothy Alberino
Book - Birthright: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam's Dominion on Planet Earth
Book: in collaboration with Blurry Creatures podcast (Nathan Henry and Luke Rodgers): The Book of Enoch: With Commentary & Concept Art on the Book of the Watchers (Complete Edition, includes 1, 2, & 3 Enoch)
Chapter XXXVII - Reference to the pre-adamic race ('those who were before us')
Arthur C. Custance
Book: Without Form and Void
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Old Testament - Pages 54-55 - reference notes - starting in column 1
Weston Fields
Book: Unformed and Unfilled: A Critique of the Gap Theory
John Harris
Book: The Pre-adamite Earth: Contributions to Theological Science
G.H. Pember
Book: Earth's Earliest Ages
SkyWatchTV - Donna Howell & Dr. Thomas Horn
Book: Before Genesis: The Unauthorized History of Tohu, Bohu, and the Chaos Dragon in the Land Before Time

Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Old Testament - Page 51 - 1st column - 'Lucifer's flood'
Old Testament - Page 54 - 2nd column - 20 contrasts between Noah and Lucifer's floods
Dr. Ken Johnson
Book: Ancient Post-Flood History: Historical Documents That Point to Biblical Creation
Zondervan Archaeological Study Bible
Genesis 6 - Page 13 - 'Ancient Flood Narratives'
1 Chronicles 1 - Page 576 - 'The Sumerian Eridu Genesis'
Isaiah 66 - Page 1176 - 'Humanity and the Divine: Comparing the Bible to the Myth of Atra-Hasis'

Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Old Testament - Page 813 - left column: 32-fold description of the cherubim
Old Testament - Page 806 - left & right columns: Chapter 1:5 - description of the cherubim
Old Testament - Page 63 & 64 - columns 3 & 4: 44 Appearances of God - God takes on bodily form
Got Questions
Article: What were the wheels in Ezekiel 1?
Josh Peck
Book: Cherubim Chariots: Exploring the Extradimensional Hypothesis

Vicki Joy Anderson
Book: They Only Come Out at Night
Pastor Billy Crone
Book: The Satanic War on the Christian - Four Book Volumes
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Page 632 & 633 - provides a great overview of the spirit world, including demons
Russ Dizdar
Book: Spiritual Warfare: Defeating the Forces of Darkness
Dr. Douglas Hamp
Article: Appendix I: Fallen Angels and Demons - Corrupting the Image II
Audio & eBook: Corrupting the Image 2: Hybrids, Hades, and the Mt Hermon Connection
Dr. Michael Lake
Book: Kingdom Authority and Warfare 1 Study: An Introduction to Spiritual Warfare from a Hebraic/Biblical Worldview
Book: Kingdom Authority and Warfare 2 Study: Basic Training in the Kingdom of God
Book: Kingdom Authority and Warfare 3: Strategic Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Clarence Larkin
Book: The Spirit World

Vicki Joy Anderson
Book: They Only Come Out at Night
Billy Crone
Book: GetAlifeMedia: In The Days of Noah
Book: Prophecy Watchers: UFO’s Aliens and the Coming Mass Abduction
Gilbert House Ministries - Derek Gilbert & Josh Peck
Book: Destination: Earth - Ancient Aliens, the Ancient of Days, and the Ancient Plot to Hybridize Humanity
Dr. Aaron Judkins
Book: Alien Agenda: The Return of the Nephilim
L.A. Marzulli
Book: Rungs of Disclosure
DVD Series: UFO Disclosure, Complete Series 1-10
DVD or streaming: The Watchers: UFO's Are Real, Burgeoning, and Not Going Away
Ali Siadatan
DVD: UFOs Angels & Gods: Alien Abductions Explained - documentary
SkyWatchTV - Donna Howell, Allie Anderson & Derek Gilbert
Book: Destination: Earth: Ancient Aliens, the Ancient of Days, and the Ancient Plot to Hybridize Humanity
Karin Wilkinson
Book: Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest - A true account of lifelong alien abduction and the evil alien agenda

Can't get enough? Looking for additional resources?
Donald Grey Barnhouse
Book: The Invisible War: The Panorama of the Continuing Conflict Between Good and Evil
Dr. Ken Johnson
Book: Ancient Prophecies Revealed: 500 Prophecies Listed in Order of When They Were Fulfilled
W.O.E Oesterly
Book: Immortality and the Unseen World: A Study in Old Testament Religion
Dr. I.D.E. Thomas
Book: The Omega Conspiracy
G. Ernest Wright
Book: The Old Testament and Theology


Archaeological Study Bible (KJV)
The Archaeological Study Bible features a full-color interior, over 500 full-color photographs, in-text maps, detailed charts, study notes, and cultural facts that bring the ancient biblical world to life.
The Book of Enoch -
The Book of Enoch - Timothy Alberino in collaboration with Blurry Creatures podcast (Nathan Henry and Luke Rodgers)
Ancient Hebrew non-canonical apocryphal text written in the first or second century BC. An important supplemental resource for assisting serious researchers & students in the study of the Bible and the early Church Age.
Referenced in the Bible in the book of Jude. Chapter 1:14-15 quotes 1 Enoch 1:9 as a prophecy given by Enoch.
Giants, Angels and Fallen Angels are referenced throughout the entire book.
Ancient Jewish, non-canonical book that covers creation to the death of Moses.
Referenced in Joshua 10:12-13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 when the Lord stopped the sun in the middle of the day during a battle.
Chapters 1-5 reference a number of things that take place in Genesis, including the giants. The information is similar to what is detailed in the Book of Enoch.
The Book of Jubilees - Translated by R.H. Charles
The Book of Jubilees -
Chapter 10, verses 1-5, confirms demons as the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim.
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible is like no other study Bible on the market. It has 35,000 commentary notes, 500,000 cross/chain references and 9,000 outline headings. Dake's Bible gives you more resources for personal study than you’ll find in any other Bible.
The Works of Flavius Josephus - Translated by William Whiston
Book 3, Chapter 14 - references Moses & the 12 spies
Book 5, Chapter 2 - references the size of giants; surprising to see & terrible to hear
Book 7, Chapter 14 - references David & giants
Angels are referenced throughout his writings
The Greek Old Testament. Often abbreviated as 70 or LXX. The earliest Greek translation of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew.
Genesis 10:8-9 - references Nimrod as a giant
Isaiah 13:3 - references a vision Isaiah had that included giants
Book of Tobit (or Tobias) - Chapter 12:15 - references Raphael