To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg (for in his days the earth was divided), and his brother's name was Joktan. Genesis 10:25 (ESV)
In Hebrew, Peleg means divide, split.
Peleg is the son of Eber, a prophet, who foresaw the division of the earth into continents and named his son Peleg in view of this (Genesis 10:25 and 1 Chronicles 1:10)
The Bible may point to an event in time when there was a division of the continents, something that is supported today by other resources.
New research being done today through archaeology, new technology, etc., reveal large land masses all over the world, now under water, tied to civilizations that once existed (i.e. the lost continent of Mu). These various land masses may have once been part of the same large land mass.
This theory is called also called Pangea (Greek pangaia, meaning “all the earth”) - a supercontinent that included all land masses.
Some scientists today also believe that the continents were one large land mass at one time as well.
It all goes back to Genesis 11.....
We learn of an event, an act of rebellion by mankind that lead to the construction of the Tower of Babel.
The tower was built by the people for other gods (elohim; other lesser gods created by the one true God of the Bible), in an effort to bring them down from the heavens so that they could worship these gods. See more detail on the Tower of Babel page.
This rebellion prompted God to confuse the language of the people and scatter them all over the earth.
Until this time in history, the human race was not divided by nations or language. It was only after the construction of the Tower in Genesis 11:1-9 that the people are scattered all over the earth and have multiple languages.
Some believe the scriptures only reference a division of people and languages. Others believe the earth was also physically divided or split and broken into multiple land masses.
We tend to lean toward the theory that the earth was divided from one large land mass into continents and islands, but you be the judge.
Much research has been done over the years providing ample evidence to support the theory that our earth was divided from one large land mass in the past. In fact, there have been several divisions of the earth, many of which have valid explanations.
However, we tend to believe in two very specific supernatural events that caused dramatic changes to our earth:
Noah's flood, which caused changes to the earth's land mass, and subsequently, a further change and division of land mass after the Tower of Babel was constructed.
Found in 1929 - compiled from earlier maps that date back to the 300's.
Show Antarctica hundreds of years before it was supposedly discovered.
The map was found in Constantinople, Turkey, in Topkapi Palace (formerly known as the Old Imperial Palace).
Compiled from other ancient maps dating back to the days of Alexander the Great.
Shows an ice-free Antarctica, which wasn't 'discovered' until the early 1800's.
Dates back to 1531.
Created by Oronce Fini, an Italian mathematician who designed maps.
It shows ice-free mountain ranges of Antarctica.
The map is said to have been created much earlier.
From Philippe Buache, a French geographer.
Created around 1737 to 1739.
Shows Antarctica without ice and known before its exploration.
Mercator's World Map of 1569
Created by Gerardus Mercator, mathematician and map maker.
Shows Antarctica in the same position as the other two maps.
While these maps have been criticized by 'experts' for inconsistencies (i.e. size of continents, location/proximity to the poles, etc.), we tend to believe that these maps may be valid.
Who are we to say what others actually saw and what was explored in the past? Just because it doesn't make sense today, doesn't mean that it's not accurate.
Do these maps provide evidence to support a time when the continents were all one large land mass?
A time before the possibility of mapping was supposedly even possible? A time that dates back to Noah's flood before land was divided and before the events of the Tower of Babel, which led to further land mass division?
Is it possible that our earth wasn't shaped by the 'Continental Drift', but by sudden celestial violence that shook our planet in the form of God's judgement?
Noah's flood would have broken apart some of the large land mass and then further division would have occurred in the days of Peleg, when God confused the languages and scattered the people.
Genesis 11:8 (NIV): So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth and they stopped building the city.
According to Dake's Bible, this was done before God split the earth into continents and islands (in Genesis 10:25). This could possibly explain how Indians and other indigenous tribes got to North America and came to be on certain islands and in various remote parts of the world, long before they were 'discovered' by explorers. (Dake's Annotated Bible, Old Testament, book of Gensis, page 10, column 1, note f).
One ancient Babylonian tablet reads, "The building of this illustrious tower offended the gods. In a night they threw down what they had built. They scattered them abroad and made strange their speech. Their progress was impeded. They wept hot tears for Babylon." It's interesting that this Babylonian tablet confirms the Biblical story, with one exception - the 'gods' were offended, not THE God. (Dake's Annotated Bible, Page 9, the Old Testament, book of Genesis, 1st and 4th column notes).
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